Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Treguna Mekoides and Trecorum Satis Dee"

I love childhood memories. I was flicking through old Disney films and i came across Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Its about a witch in training (Angela Lansbury) who takes in three kids dring WW2. A bunch of stuff goes down and they end up saving England from the Nazis.
One particular scene that terified me when i was small was the "Substitutianry Locamotion" with all the dancing clothes

"I'll get you...and your little dog too"

Yay i found some videos of the huge play I dirested last christmas. It was The Wizard of Oz and it was my first (and currently only) major directing credit. Everything was huge, i thought I wouldnt pull it off since around 80% of the stuff was done by me (yes that includes choreography). It went really well and hope to use that theatre again for other projects (Chicago maybe??).
The sequence with the yellow brick road was improvised a few hours before showing. I never knew that the stage could light up from below....stupid me.
I wanted to slip in a Wicked song soooo badly but the producers denied, also we would be sued. Instead i reinvented the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST!!!!
I hope you enjoy it asmuch as i did.