Monday, May 4, 2009

"We werent very good at being wild....were we?"

Just after watching an amazing, sad animated movie "The Plague Dogs" based on the 1977 novel by Richard Adams. The film was directed and produced by Martin Rosen, who also directed Watership Down, the film version of another novel by Adams.

The film's story is centered on two dogs named Rowf and Snitter, who escape a research laboratory in Great Britain. In the process of telling the story, the film highlights the cruelty of performing vivisection and animal research for its own sake.

This is an amazing example of non-disney anamation and completely devours any of the 3D crap. The film is done very simplisticly, with human interaction almost completly told through narration or voice over. Snitter and Rowf are both very tragic protagonists, and all they wanted was someone to love them.

I read and watched Watership down and through that, found this amazing film which is better in my opinion. I would love to read the book. Despite being an animation, this film is definatly NOT for kids.....yes i tought this was going be a disney-fied animal wrong was I.

Never thgought animation could get this deep and meaningful.

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