Friday, May 1, 2009

"Why must everything you touch die!!!!"--Elphaba

Ahh i finished Wicked today and it is one hella awesome book. I fell in love with the play around a year ago, despite the handicap of not actually seeing it. I bought the soundtrack and cannot stop listening to it.
Naturally, I would jump at the chance to buy the book, which ( is wht the play is based on. Luckily while wondering through Barnes and Nobles looking for Stephen King's IT, I came across Wicked. I was so happy. I pullled it off the shelf and bought it immediatly. Sadly, they didnt have qany copies of IT. Wicked kinda balanced the whole thing out so I wasnt really that upset.
The book was such an interesting read, finding out about the history of Oz, why ELphie is wicked, where the ruby (silver) slippers came from and so much more. I can never truely watch Wizard of Oz the same way again (Dorothy crushed Nessa:(:().
If you enjoy anything related to Frank Baums masterpiece you will love this. Booh Yea.(B***ch stole Nessa's slippers!!!)

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